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Ours Glasses for motorcyclists are designed to provide optimal protection and comfort while driving, regardless of weather conditions and driving style. These glasses protect your eyes from wind, dust, insects and UV rays, which improves your safety and visibility on the roads. Whether you drive with an open helmet, half helmet or as a supplement to visor, our motorcycle glasses offer a perfect solution to keep your eyes protected and comfortable in all driving conditions.

Motorcycle glasses Available in different styles and models, including Wind -protected goggles and sunglasses with polarized lenses, which allows you to customize your choice to your needs. Glasses with UV protection and scratch -resistant lenses Protects against the sun's harmful rays and provides long -term clarity in visibility. For extra safety and comfort, many models are also provided with foamed frames which seals against the face and prevents wind and dust from penetrating.

Many of our glasses are also Photochromatic, which means that they automatically adapt to changed lighting conditions, from shade to strong sunlight, so that you always have the best possible visibility. Most models have even Anti-joint treatment, which prevents felling and ensures clear visibility even in moist or cold conditions.

  • Wind -protected Goggles for motorcycle - Goggles with foamed frames that seal against the face and protect the eyes from wind and dust.
  • Polarized MC sunglasses -Sunglasses with polarized lenses that reduce glare and protect against harmful UV rays for best visibility.
  • Photochromatic glasses - Glasses with lenses that automatically adapt to changed lighting conditions, perfect for day and night driving.
  • Anti-joint glasses for mc -Glasses with anti-joint treatment that prevents fog and provides clear visibility under moist or cold conditions.
  • Scratch -resistant motorcycle glasses - Glasses with extra durable, scratch -resistant lenses that provide long -term clarity and protection in all weather conditions.