AFAM LAAN KIT 525XSR2 15/44 Super -reinsicced - Standardni stražnji Sprick
AFAM LAAN KIT 525XSR2 15/44 Super -reinsicced - Standardni stražnji Sprick
- Kupite sigurnoKupite sigurno i sigurno s nama
- Brze isporukeVrijeme isporuke obično je 3-5 radnih dana, osim ako nije drugačije navedeno za proizvod
- Sigurna plaćanjaNudimo plaćanja putem kartica, fakture i swish -a.
- Besplatna dostavaBesplatna dostava preko SEK 1000
AFAM: The Leading Technology
AFAM HAS Been Design and Developing Top Quality Drive Chains Sin 1975 and Has Acquired Special Know-How in This Field. The Brand Constantly Renews Its Technologies and Products In Order to Very Best Transmission for Your Bike.
- 525 XSR2 Type Chain - Super Reinforced
- Rived Mounting - Hollow Shaft
- XS-Ring O-Ring (AFAM Technology)
- Lightweight Pads to Reduce the Weight of the Chain
- Great Reduction in Friction
- Excellent Longevity Coefficient
- For road and circuit riding from 500cc to 1000cc